Friday, March 9, 2012


I had the same dream last night. Except it was slightly different.

This time, there were two wolf-things. I mean, they looked like wolves, but they were bigger. And not just bigger, but longer. They stretched out. They were huge. And their jaws were, like, super wide. And they chased after me, while I ran through the forest again.

The rest of the dream was the same though. I was running through each square hole of each giant tree, until I came to a big one where the hole was in the center, so I climbed it. I gripped each branch with my sweaty palms until I almost reached the center, but then I felt two pairs of claws hook onto me and pull me down. The giant wolf-things then devoured me starting with my ribs.

In conclusion: what was up with that last post? Did I do that in my sleep? Whatever. I woke up with Dandruff on my chest again. I need to get her to stop that.

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